Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Wanted to touch briefly about online tells I have been watching for the ever since I started playing and believe me-EVERY online player has leaks in their game! You might not be able to pick up on someone holding their breath, the way a person swallows, starring at the flop or hands shaking like you in live poker however online poker players are full of tells and the we NEED to take advantage of them!

-Betting in Odd amounts to make the bet look big I find this to be a sign of weakness usually. Let us say blinds are 100/200 and someone bets 499, more than likely they are extremely weak. Betting this way, they are trying to intimidate their opposition while betting as little as possible. Really this bet is only 2.5 times the BB and the player is weak. Someone with AA preflop, or the nuts, will not try to look deceptive. Players betting 2 times to 2.9 times the BB from position are often playing marginal hands and NEED to be triple barreled.
-Pause and then villain bets- They want us to think they have a hand and are deciding whether to bet or not. When they check they expect us to check hehind. Jam that pot now!
-Instant call- They want to portray strength however they are weak or on a draw. Watch out for flush or straight card to hit, if these dont drop-Jam the pot again!
-Quick River Bet- Typically will mean villain has a strong hand as they did not give much thought into the play. A bluff takes some time for them to process. Quick bet on the turn or river, you better have the nuts cause villain has some goods.

There are many more online tells that I have read about or noticed and I will try and keep an ongoing blog about them are some point but time to hop on and play some cards.